National Spring Clean

National Spring Clean

Each year during April, Ireland’s largest anti-litter awareness campaign, National Spring Clean, gets underway. National Spring Clean aims to support the voluntary efforts of local people in combatting litter pollution. Throughout the month, Leitrim County Council encourages clean-up activities by groups that register with An Taisce for the National Spring Clean Campaign during the month of April.

To Get Involved

Tidy Towns organisations, Adopt a Road Groups, Adopt a Bring Bank Groups, Businesses, Schools, Residents Associations, Sports Clubs or any other community/voluntary organisations/groups are asked to come together in order to tackle litter and help towards Keeping Leitrim Lovely! Your support and leadership is needed to get actively involved in this clean-up campaign. To organize an event in your area, simply register with An Taisce on or call 01 4002219. 

Leitrim County Council will further support local groups during spring clean through the provision of a 'Keeping Leitrim Lovely' Pack, which will include litter pickers, gloves, bags and high-vis vests to assist you in your clean ups.

Please advise Leitrim County Council of your intended efforts before your group commences the clean-up so that we can arrange for collection of waste, if applicable. 

If you are interested in participating in this scheme, please contact:

Environment Section please click here for details