Green Schools

Green Schools

Green Schools Programme 

All Primary and Post Primary Schools in Leitrim can register on the Green Schools Programme. Green Schools is about whole-school action for the environment, with the focus in the initial phase being on litter and waste. Research has shown that active green schools have reduced waste by over 50%. [NP]
Schools follow a seven-step programme on each theme to achieve their Green Flag, which is in effect an environmental management system for their school. Leitrim County Council supports all participating Green Schools by providing them with clean up materials and information, where required. The Council's Environmental Awareness Section liaises with schools on an on-going basis, gives talks to students and assists them in getting the Green Schools programme started.

For further information, contact Leitrim County Council Environmental Awareness Officer or visit the Green school’s website 

Green Schools Themes

The Green Flag is a progressive and continuous environmental programme designed for schools, at both primary and secondary level. The programme works on themes, each of which takes approx 2 years to adopt. 


  • Litter & Waste Management
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Travel
  • Biodiversity
  • Global Citizenship – Litter & Waste
  • Global Citizenship – Energy
  • Global Citizenship – Marine Environment
  • Global Citizenship Travel
  • Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity. 

If you are interested in participating please visit: Greenschools website to apply