Supports for the Community

Supports for the Community

Supports for the Homeowners, Community and Business


Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme

One Stop Service for Homes

Insultation Grants for Homes

Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant

Apartment Charging Grant

Solar PV Electricity Grant for Homeowners

Full Funded Energy Upgrade for Homes


Community Energy Grant

Support Scheme for Energy Audits (Community group or SME)

SEAI Community Grant Overview

Energy Masterplan for SEC

Funding programme for community climate engagement

LEADER (Community & Business)

Vacant Property Refurbishment Scheme

Community Water Development

Peatlands and Natura Community Engagement Scheme 2024 (Current Phase CLOSED)

EPA Research Funding (Community & Business) (Current Phase CLOSED)


Solar PV Non-Domestic Microgen Grant (Community, Business, Farm, School)

Support Scheme for Renewable Heat

Accelerated Capital Allowances for investment in energy efficient products & equipment

Energy Efficiency Grant (LEO)

Electric Vehicle for Taxi or Hackney

EXCEED Certified Grant Scheme

Energy Contracting Support Scheme

Small Scale Renewable Electricity Support Scheme – SRESS (Community & Business)

Circular Economy Innovation Fund (Community & Business) (Current Phase CLOSED)

Creative Sector

Creative Climate Action Programme (Current Phase CLOSED)

Tourism Businesses

Failte Ireland Climate Action Programme for Tourism Businesses (Current Phase CLOSED)

Agricultural Specific (see Business supports also)

Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS)

Biodiversity Funding Scheme for Community Groups and Landowners (Current Phase Closed)


Solar for Schools Programme

Sustainable Development Projects in Schools


Energy Efficiency Guide for Retailers

Business Climate Toolkit

Climate Ready Programme

Energy Academy

Tool for Resource Efficiency

Carbon Designed for Buildings

Sustainable Business Resources

Water Conversation for Business

Food Waste Charter for Business

Individual Carbon calculators

Climate Hero Carbon Calculator

Carbon Calculator

WWF Footprint Calculator

Ducky Eco Footprint


Green Skills Training

Business Supports for Training and Best Practice

Enterprise Ireland Climate Action Training Voucher

Strategic Consultancy Grant for Business

Green Plus Best Practice Training for Business

Green Start Funding for Sustainable Practices

Green for Business, consultancy for small businesses (1-50 employees)

Community Supports for Education

Community Climate Action Programme: Climate Education, Capacity Building and Learning by Doing (Strand 2)

GAA Green Clubs

GAA Green Clubs Programme

Training Supports for Schools

Workshops for Schools

Post Primary Lesson Plans and Activities

Primary Schools Resources