Local Authority Integration Team

Local Authority Integration Team

Our Role

Integration means helping people who have moved to a new country feel like they belong while also preserving their own identity and culture. This will include access to learning the language, entering employment, education, and training.
Leitrim Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) works with people who are:
  • International Protection applicants (IPAS);
  • Refugee, Subsidiary Protection, or Permission to Remain status holders;
  • Programme Refugees selected to come to Ireland;
  • Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection.

What We Do

Leitrim LAIT guide people to services they require to integrate into the community.
Leitrim LAIT will visit IPAS Accommodation Centres to identify supports needed by residents. This includes conducting group Information Sessions, as well as confidential clinics with individuals to understand their specific support needs.
The LAIT aims to support people to integrate into Ireland by providing:
  • Signposting to relevant services;
  • Information Sessions;
  • Information Clinics – confidential with centre residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the Local Authority Integration Team?

Tel: + 353 86 204 3773 / + 353 71 9344030

Where is the Local Authority Integration Team based?

Leitrim County Council, Áras an Chontae, Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim N41PF67

How can I learn about integration supports around me and events in my community?

Does the Local Authority Integration Team help with Housing or accommodation?

No, the LAIT team does not have any role in providing accommodation. This is the role of the Department of Children Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.  

What are the Housing Supports for Individuals with status?

People that have received status and require housing supports, should first apply for social housing with the Housing Section of Leitrim County Council. The LAIT cannot help people with this process.

Does the Local Authority Integration Team support people to seek housing under the Accommodation Recognition Payment (ARP) program?

No, the LAIT does not have a role in supporting people to seek accommodation under the ARP program.
Useful links: