

PEACEPLUS (PP) is a new a €1.14bn European Union funding programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland, building upon the work of the previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes.

The PEACEPLUS programme comprises six themes, which include 21 individual investment areas and approved by the NI Executive, Irish Government and North South Ministerial Council.  

Find out more about PEACEPLUS here

Leitrim PEACEPLUS Action Plan

Leitrim County Council has developed a co-designed PEACEPLUS Action Plans under Theme 1 – Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities – Investment Area 1.1: Co-Designed Local Community Peace Action Plans.

The plan was approved over €3.3m in funding in June 2024  is centred around three core themes:

  • Local Community Regeneration and Transformation
  • Thriving and Peaceful Communities
  • Celebrating Cultural Diversity

Local Community Regeneration and Transformation

  • Budget Allocation - €€836,987
  • Aim is to challenge perceptions and increase the level of shared pride in an area, increase cross community interaction and service provision and where possible capitalise on natural assets.

Approved Projects include:

  1. Multi Use Games Area in Ballinamore
  2. Community Meeting Space, Coleman’s Building, Carrick-on-Shannon
  3. Power Supply in Kinlough Eco Park supporting Men’s Shed, Community Garden & N. West Canoe Club
  4. Play & Art Therapy, NW STOP Facility Drumkeerin (Old Garda Station)
  5. Internal refurbishment of Lurganboy Church of Ireland to create a cross-community space

Thriving and Peaceful Communities

  • Budget Allocation €893,435
  • Build the capacity of local organisations though cross community collaboration and contribute to peace building & positive relations.

Approved Projects include:

  1. Community Capacity Building & Volunteer Support Programme
  2. Environmental Awareness & Biodiversity Programme
  3. Celebrate & Acknowledge our Culture, Heritage & Faith
  4. Exploring the role of Women in Rural Ireland 
  5. Digitial hubs for young people
  6. Support & outreach programme for those most isolated
  7. Animation projects for shared space capital projects under Local Community Regeneration & Transformation 


Celebrating Cultural Diversity

  • Budget Allocation - €504,913
  • Engage those with opposing/dissenting views or those seldom heard and if not supported could contribute to continued segregation and threaten the Peace Process. Theme 3 also aims to increase civic participation, especially among minority and new communities.

Approved Projects include:

  1. Active Citizenship and Orientation Programme to build & share knowledge of Irish and newcomer cultures
  2. Traveller Community Programme to increase awareness of the culture of Travellers with an aim to reduce discrimination and prejudice towards
  3. A programme working with ex-prisoners who have been directly involved and affected by the conflict & displaced persons to create opportunities for cross-community engagement that can challenge mind-sets and attitudes.
  4. Promoting Diversity through the Arts  - A facilitated drama project with a group of young people with Non-Verbal Down Syndrome & training for service deliverers

Leitrim County Council PEACEPLUS Team

Áras an Chontae,
St. Georges Terrace,
Carrick on Shannon,
Co. Leitrim,
N41 PF67
