Comhairle na nÓg

Comhairle na nÓg


Comhairlí na nÓg are councils for young people aged 12-17 all over Ireland. They give young people a voice on the issues, policies and services that affect them.  They provide a voice for young people to talk about national and local issues, and an opportunity to present those issues to policy makers.  This role is vital as this age cohort has no other voting mechanism.

Comhairle na nÓg Liatroma is composed of representatives of secondary schools, relevant youth organisations and agencies, who meet around 6 times a year and host events.  Leitrim LCDC (Local Community Development Committee) is mandated to actively involve and collaborate with Comhairle na nÓg. 

You can see the great work being done by comhairlí around the country on the national Comhairle na nÓg website and on Instagram.

“Young people have the right to say what they think about anything that affects

them. What they say must be listened to carefully. When decisions are made

which affect young people, by official bodies, they must listen to what the

young people want and feel.” (UN Convention on Rights of the Child)


The Comhairle is currently delivered by North Connaught Youth and Community Services.

Contact Hannah Flynn

Leitrim Comhairle na nÓg Facebook page

National Comhairle website

For further information contact

Áine Carr on (071) 9620005 ext. 540

Use Your Brain, Not Your Fists 

Comhairle's project “Use your Brain, Not your Fists”, continues to be taken up by schools and sporting organisations, local and national press, schools, youth groups, the Gardaí and relevant agencies. Their short film "Use your Brain, Not your Fists" was produced for circulation via social media, and to schools and youth groups around the country. It also featured on RTE News.  In 2019, Comhairle produced a Workbook to use in conjunction with the video in schools and youth service settings. The Workbook was launched in all secondary schools in Leitrim.

This project was spearheaded by Rosie and Joe Dolan in memory of their son Andrew. The campaign targets the person throwing the punches and aims to prevent these "one punch" assaults. Loch Bó Films facilitated Comhairle na nÓg committee members to co-create the content, storyboards, operate cameras and audio equipment and conduct interviews with the participants. 

This series of posters were produced by An Garda and Comhairle na nÓg are grateful to the Garda Press Office for their use. Please contact us if you would like a supply for your venue/club/school.

"Think Before You Act: Use your Brain, Not your Fists" 



Comhairle na nÓg won the Wellbeing category in the prestigious Pride of Place Awards in November 2018 with the Use Your Brain Not Your Fists campaign - a fantastic achievement given these awards cover the 32 counties!