Age Friendly
Age Friendly Ireland is hosted by Meath Co Council, and it oversees and guides the Age Friendly programmes in every county. You can view the Age Friendly Ireland Newsletters and see all the age friendly actions and events around the country.
The national programme is based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities Framework and Guidelines which were developed by 33 cities from across the world and involved major consultation with older people. Leitrim Co Council, along with every other county authority in Ireland, signed up to the WHO “Dublin Declaration on Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in Europe 2013” making Ireland the first official Age Friendly country amongst WHO member countries.
You can find out more about WHO Age Friendly World and browse the network on their website.
Age Friendly Leitrim is hosted by Leitrim County Council. Leitrim’s Age Friendly Alliance meets 4 times a year to oversee the programme, and develop and implement its strategy. The Alliance is made up of representative from many agencies and the Older Peoples Council (OPC). Follow the links on this page for more information on the Alliance and the OPC..
Leitrim Age Friendly Strategy 2022–2026 
The Leitrim Age Friendly Strategy 2022–2026 outlines the actions to be delivered by the Age Friendly Alliance over a 5 year period. Each agency represented on the Alliance have outlined their objectives and actions to ensure that older people living in, working in, and visiting Leitrim can live full, active valued and healthy lives.
Championing the strategy are:
- Leitrim’s Age Friendly Ambassador, award-winning writer, director and actor Seamus O’Rourke; and
- Leitrim’s Age Friendly Business Ambassador Noel McPartland, who has proved that age is no barrier to being successful in business.
You can look at the previous Leitrim Age Friendly Strategy and also a review of that strategy.