Leitrim Age Friendly Alliance

Leitrim Age Friendly Alliance

Leitrim Age Friendly Alliance ensures that all relevant agencies work together to promote and maintain the best possible health and well being of older people, and to make County Leitrim a great place to grow old in. It aims to increase the participation of older people in the social, economic and cultural life of Leitrim for everyone’s benefit. It also aims to make services and supports for older people more responsive, caring, professional and accessible through imaginative and cost effective partnership working.

The Alliance is made up of representatives from:

  • Leitrim Older Peoples Council (OPC)
  • Leitrim County Council (including the Chairperson)
  • Leitrim Development Company
  • An Garda Siochána
  • Health Service Executive (HSE)
  • Local Link
  • Citizens Information Centre
  • Leitrim Volunteer Centre
  • Irish Farmers Association (IFA)
  • Education & Training Board (MSLETB
  • Leitrim Enterprise Office
  • Credit Union
  • Library Service

Leitrim Age Friendly Strategy is monitored by Leitrim Age Friendly Alliance and is an agenda item for all Age Friendly Alliance meetings.

Each Age Friendly Alliance member organisation is responsible for delivering on identified actions in the strategy and reporting progress to Age Friendly Alliance meetings.