Dromahair Library

Dromahair Library Public Art Project - Call for Community Groups



Leitrim County Council is seeking between eight and ten members from a local community group that would be interested in learning a new creative skill together at the soon-to-open Dromahair Library.

Join award-winning artist Colette Langan for an inspiring 8-week programme exploring the art of glasswork. Begin with the foundations of traditional stained-glass techniques, including silver staining, glass painting, and design principles. Then, experiment with contemporary approaches to create your own unique piece, or work as a group to make a collective piece based on shared themes or ideas. With personalised guidance and feedback, you’ll have the opportunity to refine your skills, develop your ideas, and bring your artistic vision to life in a welcoming and creative environment.

The closing date for groups to express their interest in taking part is midnight, Sunday 9th March 2025. Groups interested in becoming involved can register their interest by filling out the form below –

Apply Now


About the artist

Colette Langan is a stained glass maker and restorer. She began her career in the UK training on medieval glass from iconic buildings such as Westminster Abbey, Winchester Cathedral and The Tower of London. She later set up her own studio in the North West of Ireland combining making new designs with restoration work. Today as well as conservation, her studio practice includes stained glass design, glass painting, glass fusing techniques, making one off large and small autonomous art works and teaching. She sees education as an important element of her work in both restoration and the creative experience and has turned her attention to the challenge of sustainability in her work practice, using exploratory techniques with an emphasis on reusing glass.

For further information email arts@leitrimcoco.ie or phone 071 96 20005 ext 694