Community Festival Investment Programme

Community Festival Investment Programme

Leitrim County Council 2024 Community Festival Funding Applications

Leitrim County Council provides financial support to organisations in Leitrim that produce unique, high-quality festivals that engage with the fabric of the county, providing valuable opportunities for residents and visitors alike to come together, to celebrate and to explore new experiences.

The purpose of the community festival strand is to support the development of festivals that encourage a strong sense of community, social inclusion and engagement of the wider community.

Leitrim County Council has advertised its three separate sources of support for festivals – Tourism, Arts, and Community – together so that festivals can look at the different priorities, requirements and assessment criteria of each strand before choosing which one is the most appropriate for the applicant to pursue.

What can I apply for?

All costs incurred in the presentation of festivals including but not limited to

  • Personnel Costs including fees for artists, producers, directors, technicians etc
  • Production Costs including staging, sound/lighting hire, transport, sets, costumes etc.
  • Marketing and PR
  • Venue Hire
  • Health & Safety/Security
  • Insurance

Assessment of Applications

Please note the following:

  • Organisations organising events/activities that involve children or young people under 18 years must have and implement a Child Protection and Welfare Policy that adheres to current guidelines and legislation.
  • Recipients of grant aid must acknowledge the sponsorship role of Leitrim County Council by including the Leitrim County Council logo on all websites, brochures, posters and programmes

Payment of Grants

  • Awards may range in value up to a maximum of €500
  • Payment to successful applicants will be made by electronic fund transfer only
  • Recipients may draw down 70% of funding upon confirmation of final programme details, budget and schedule and detailed Event Management Plan
  • The remaining 30% may be drawn down following the festival and submission of a short report and final accounts

How do I apply?

The closing date for receipt of applications is Midnight on Tuesday 2nd April 2024. Applications may be made online only and will require you to upload a budget, the organisation’s most recent bank statement or audited accounts, child protection policy (if relevant) so it is advised to have these documents ready to upload as attachments.

In addition to the information uploaded as part of an application, the following documents must be available on request

  • Event Management Plan (template provided
  • Copy of current Festival Insurance cover
  • Child Protection Policies and Procedures (if the festival includes events for children under 18 years)

Completed application forms must be uploaded before midnight on Tuesday 2nd April through the link below. For further information contact 071 9620005 or email

Download Preliminary Event Management Plan

Download Programme Terms and Conditions

If your festival is more suited Arts or Tourism, please follow the links below-

Arts Festivals

Tourism Festivals