Creative Space

Creative Space


There are no properties currently available under the Creative Space scheme.

While are currently looking to identify vacant properties for the scheme, artists may approach property owners independently with a view to developing a partnership themselves. In these instances, Leitrim County Council may be in a position to facilitate these arrangements and support artists to take up these opportunities if they meet the requirements of the scheme.

The main aims of the programme are to:

  • Improve the visual impact of vacant properties within the towns and villages in County Leitrim
  • Showcase vacant properties to potential tenants to help them be re-let
  • Increase footfall by providing an increasingly eclectic range of activities and premises
  • Offer opportunities for members of the general public to interact with artists
  • Generate publicity for artists in County Leitrim
  • Offer free studio space for artists

What’s in it for the landlord?

  • Improved appearance and up-keep of property – The scheme provides that the premises be kept clean and ensures an active and engaging presence throughout the tenancy
  • Increased Exposure for the Property – The scheme showcases the property to prospective new rent-paying tenants and new customers
  • Benefits Surrounding Businesses – The enhanced vibrancy of the area can increase footfall and benefit adjacent properties

What’s in it for the artist?

  • Free studio space – The Creative Space scheme provides low cost studio space for up to two years
  • Free gallery/workshop space – Premises can be used to sell your own work and/or host workshops
  • Public Interaction – The scheme provides the opportunity to interact with members of the public that are interested in your work
  • Joining a strong creative sector community – Leitrim has one of the highest proportional populations of artists in the country

Key points

  • Leitrim Creative Space Scheme provides for temporary occupancy of vacant retail units while they are between commercial lettings
  • The temporary occupancy provides an opportunity for creative practitioners to have a studio/workshop/gallery on a rent free basis with low to negligible cost overheads
  • Leitrim County Council will provide a bursary of €750 for each new artist/tenant to help meet the costs of moving, insurance and deposit
  • The landlord continues to advertise the space for re-letting while it is used by the artist. Should the landlord obtain a rent paying tenant, the property will be vacated within 14 days of notification to vacate. In this event, Leitrim County Council will make every effort to relocate the artist to an alternative property and provide an additional bursary of €250 to cover the costs of moving
  • The maximum duration of occupancy by an artist in any property is 12 months. In exceptional circumstances, by agreement of the landlord and Leitrim County Council, this may be extended to 24 months. In no circumstances may any artist remain in the scheme for longer than 24 months

Who can use the space and what can it be used for?

  • The occupant must be an active arts practitioner, from any artform – visual art, music, film etc., who will develop and present their own work there, as opposed to, for example, a commercial gallery selling the work of other artists, which would be considered a conventional commercial purpose
  • The scheme is designed to complement existing and established businesses within County Leitrim and is not intended to subsidize what otherwise would be conventional commercial tenants of retail spaces
  • Activities which would contravene planning and licensing regulations or which would be in conflict with Council objectives will not be considered

What Leitrim County Council is looking for. Leitrim County Council favours premises that:

  • Are in highly visible public areas
  • Are in good repair
  • Are serviced with electricity and water
  • Are secure

Leitrim County Council favours artists that:

  • Will provide access to and participation in high quality arts practice
  • Have a proven interest and previous experience of engaging positively with the public or communities
  • Are appropriate to the premises and surrounding area
  • Are not in conflict with surrounding retailers or commercial business owners

If you are a retail property owner and would like to take part, please contact Philip Delamere on 071 9621694; Email: