Creative Youth

Creative Youth

Opens for applications: CLOSED
Closing date for applications: CLOSED

Cruinniú na nÓg - A day of free creativity for young people

Saturday 8th June 2024

Call for Applications

Do you have an exciting idea for a creative project/event for children and young people that you would like to see happen?

This year Cruinniú na nÓg - the national day of creativity for children and young people – is going to be bigger than ever before and right now we are encouraging children’s groups, arts centres or any organisation that works with young people to apply for funding to develop a project that allows children and young people to explore, enhance or celebrate their own creativity for free.

If you work with children and young people, this is a great opportunity to develop something really special. Have a chat with them and see what they’re interested in and develop a plan together. Perhaps they’ve always wanted to make a film, do some incredible science experiments, or explore their own community in a creative way. If you’ve got an idea, we can help make it happen. If you’re a theatre company, arts centre or involved in creativity in some other way and are looking to engage a new young audience, this is also a great opportunity to make that happen. If you’re an artist that works with children and would like to get involved, contact a group that works with children and see if they’d like to work with you.

The guiding principle of Cruinniú 2024 is to empower children and young people to develop their creative expression through creative activities in their local area. Events can take all shapes and sizes from visual and performing arts workshops to creative adventures in any area such as heritage, culture, science or technology. The emphasis though should be on ‘doing’, ‘making’, ‘creating’. All events should be focused on children and young people (up to 18), and we particularly welcome applications that gives access to groups of children who haven’t had such opportunities before.

If you are interested in organising an event, Leitrim County Council can provide financial support towards the costs– particularly the costs of hiring artists or other practitioners, and towards the costs of materials. * It is important to note that while the creative practitioner/s can be from anywhere in Ireland, the community hosting the project must be based within County Leitrim.

Grants will typically be in the region of €500 to €2,500. Grants can cover up to 100% of the costs of events happening on the day that are available to any young people to take part in. Grants can cover up to 70% of the costs of events for groups that aren’t open to the wider public such as school groups, scout groups etc.

While there is no fixed number of awards, there will generally be a larger number of lesser value awards and a small number of higher value ones. Depending on the number of applications received, it may not be possible to fund all applicants and in that case available funding will be allocated to those which best meet the objectives of the programme.


We’re here to help

If you have an idea for a project or need assistance or further information to get started, please contact Alice Dixon, Creative Communities Engagement Officer, on or contact Leitrim County Council on 071 96 20005 Ext 419.

Project applications are primarily assessed on the extent to which children get to explore their creativity. To be successful applicants must be clear about who the participants will be and how they are benefiting.

Grants will typically be in the region of €500 to €2,500. Grants can cover up to 100% of the costs of events happening on the day that are available to any young people to take part in. Grants can cover up to 70% of the costs of events for groups that aren’t open to the wider public such as school groups, scout groups etc.

What would a project look like?

Projects should seek to provide children and young people with opportunities to explore their own creativity. Projects should be designed with young people rather than for them and be led by professionals with high levels of skills and experience of working with young people in creative fields.

How to apply

Please note that the following attachments are essential, and you will need to have them ready to upload for your online application to be submitted successfully.

  • Income and Expenditure Budget
  • CVs for each professional practitioner facilitating the project
  • Copy of Child Protection Policy (if project involves working with children)

How are applications assessed?

Once developed all applications will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Quality, innovation and creativity of the planned project.
  • The extent to which the project helps children explore their own creativity.
  • Level of skills and expertise of creative professionals engaged in the project.
  • Proven ability of the applicants to undertake and manage such projects.
  • Value for money

The nominal amount awarded to any one project will typically be between €500 and €2,500. While there is no fixed number of awards, there will generally be a larger number of lesser value awards and a small number of higher value ones. The quantity and value of awards will depend on available funding, number of applicants and the quality of applications.

Payment to successful applicants will be made by electronic fund transfer only. Recipients of awards in excess of €1,000 may drawdown 50% of the award following selection if necessary. Following completion of the project, all successful applicants must complete a short report and provide evidence that the event has taken place (photographs, press reviews etc.), final accounts, and receipts for the full costs.

Applications only are accepted Online. 


If you have an idea for a project or need assistance or further information to get started, please contact Alice Dixon, Creative Communities Engagement Officer, on or contact Leitrim County Council on 071 96 20005 Ext 419.