Creative Communities
Opens for applications: Monday 9th December 2024
Closing date for applications: Sunday 16th March 2025
A central theme of Creative Ireland is collaboration, in order to facilitate an ecosystem of creativity and to nurture the creative imagination through active engagement with the arts, culture and creativity. The Creative Ireland Programme defines 'creativity' as the capacity to transcend accepted ideas and norms and by drawing on imagination to create new ideas that bring additional value to human activity.
Who can apply?
Any group within the community (or a venue or organisation working with a group of people) can look to develop a project. The project must be led by, or facilitated by, professional practitioners in any creative or cultural arena such as visual or performing arts, literature, cultural heritage or any other creative practice. A group may approach the professional practitioner with a view to developing a project or vice-versa. While the application will most often be in the name of the community group, in some cases, such as where the applicant is an arts organisation or agency, it may be more appropriate for that organisation to be the applicant. In all cases, it is vital that the project is a collaboration and that both the voice of the artist and the voice of the community members is evident in the application.
We particularly welcome project proposals that include groups that have had little or no previous involvement in creative projects for whatever reason; and in such cases we will endeavour to give whatever advice and assistance we can to ensure such projects can achieve the best possible experience for everyone involved.
The approach, purpose or subject matter of a project can start from any interest that the applicants share. It can be about the nature of the applicants themselves: being young; being old; being from a particular place. It can be to do with an interest shared by the group for our future; our past; the environment; technology; how we interact with each other; or how people have the opportunity to express themselves.
First time applicants may decide to initially apply to research an idea for a project, rather than commit to a longer, more involved and complex process. In these instances, the Creative Ireland programme can cover the costs of doing that, particularly the costs of professional practitioners to work with the group to develop ideas. Once this is completed, as part of a further application, the group can then go on to develop and submit a more comprehensive application for a longer project in a subsequent round.
* It is important to note that while the creative practitioner/s can be from anywhere in Ireland, the community benefiting from the project must be based within County Leitrim.
Social Practice Toolkit
The process that a group and professional practitioner(s) undertake to develop a creative project can be very exciting, empowering and rewarding on many levels. It can also be complex and requires good communication, respect and understanding. To assist artists who wish to work with groups in this way, Leitrim County Council and Cork City Council have developed an online Social Practice Toolkit, which provides guidance, resources and best practice examples of how such projects can best reach their potential. While the toolkit is written for and by artists who would work with groups, community group leaders or members looking to develop new projects would equally benefit from reading it.
For all applicants, but particularly for applicants with little previous involvement in projects like these, we ask that each applicant develops a 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MOU) between the group and the practitioner(s) leading the project. The MOU helps ensure that everyone shares a clear understanding about the project and everyone’s role within it. We have developed a simple MOU template which you can download, and guidelines that will help you complete it.
We’re here to help
If you have an idea for a project or need assistance to get started, please contact Alice Dixon, Creative Communities Engagement Officer, on or call (071) 962 0005 ext. 419.
The most important assessment criteria is the extent to which participants have had the opportunity to explore and develop their own creativity. To be successful an application must clearly state who the beneficiaries are and how they are benefiting. Groups making further applications that build on previous ones should indicate how this project differs from, or builds upon, its predecessor. In this instance, each application should be considered as a distinct project with its own beginning, middle and end. The programme cannot be used as a means to fund ongoing or recurring programmes that ought to mainstreamed by the applicant organisation.
While there is no requirement for co-funding for first time applicants, returning applicants that are in receipt of core funding from any local or national government department or agency are required to provide for 50% of the project costs, 25% of which may be benefit in kind.
How to apply
Please read these guidelines carefully. Please also read the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) guidelines and download and complete the MOU template. Once you have gathered all the appendices you need to attach to your application you can apply online though the link below.
Please note that the following attachments are essential, and you will need to attach them to your online application to be submitted successfully.
- Completed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Income and Expenditure Budget
- CVs for each professional practitioner facilitating the project
- Copy of Child Protection Policy (if project involves working with children)
How are applications assessed?
Once developed all applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
- The extent to which the project enables the people involved to explore their own creativity.
- Quality, innovation and creativity of the planned project.
- Value for money, and feasibility within the proposed time-frame and budget.
- Level of skills and expertise of creative professionals engaged in the project and the applicant's management experience.
In addition to the main priority of supporting creativity, projects are also assessed on the basis of how well they address other cross-cutting priorities including...
- The extend to which the project supports equality, diversity and inclusion.
- The extend to which the project addresses the challenge of climate change.
The amount awarded to any one project will typically be between €500 and €5,000. While there is no fixed number of awards, there will generally be a larger number of lesser value awards and a small number of higher value ones. The quantity and value of awards will depend on available funding, number of applicants and the quality of applications.
Payment to successful applicants will be made by electronic fund transfer only. Recipients of awards in excess of €1,000 may drawdown 50% of the award immediately following selection. Following completion of the project, all successful applicants must complete a short report and provide evidence that the event has taken place (photographs, press reviews etc.), final accounts, and receipts for the full costs.
For further information contact Alice Dixon, Leitrim County Council Creative Communities Engagement Officer on or phone 071 96 2005 Ext 419.
Download MOU Guidelines
Download MOU Template