Senior Management Structure

Senior Management

The Senior Management Team of Leitrim County Council is led by Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, Chief Executive (Interim) of Leitrim County Council, three Directors of Service:  Ms. Mary Quinn, Mr. Vincent Dwyer and Mr Justin Fannon. Each Director of Service/Head of Finance has responsibility for one of the 3 Directorates within the local authority and they report directly to the Chief Executive. 



Joseph Gilhooly

Chief Executive 





Justin Fannon

Director of Services (Acting)

Economic Development, Planning and Infrastructural Services.

Mary Quinn

Director of Services

Housing, Corporate Services, Community and Cultural Services.

Vincent Dwyer

Head of Finance

Water, Environment, Climate Action, and Emergency Services.


Mr. Joseph Gilhooly Chief Executive, Leitrim County Council.


Mr. Justin Fannon Director of Services (Acting)

Economic Development, Planning and Infrastructural Services


Ms. Mary Quinn Director of Services

Housing, Corporate Services, Community and Cultural Services


Mr. Vincent Dwyer Head of Finance

Water, Environment, Climate Action and Emergency Services
